Thursday, June 21, 2012


     Listed above is the link to the newsletter in which my article was featured. This is one of the many duties associated with my internship. I have been very busy though with working on the 2012 Internship Benchmark Survey Part 1: Analysis Survey. I take the survey results from all of the interns of nine different agricultural companies and compile a report in which the HR department can dissect and determine how to refine their program, who to look for in future applicants, as well as see areas that are great and areas that could use improvement in their internship program as a whole. This is a really great eye-opening project and also very useful for our clients. I have really enjoyed reading and reporting on internships available in the agricultural industry. Also, we are preparing for the big event in August for the Human Resources Roundtable in Arkansas. This process has been rather low key since Marketing Manager, Erika Osmundson, has been in China and Australia over the past two weeks. However, we look forward to her homecoming and continued preparation for the event.

     Outside of work I have been having an interesting time working around not having a vehicle to drive and exploring the city of Ames. I have become an annoying college-town biker. This experience is very fun at times and others down right awful. My phone has fallen out of my pocket numerous times requiring me to awkwardly loop around the street and swoop it up without falling. This is not easy. Also, I had to bike home in the pouring rain the other day. I didn't even make it back to the hotel before I had to stop and take a break at a close apartment complex. The stop helped me to regain sight, and loose a few pounds of from the soaking wet jacket and laptop back. On the brighter side, I have ridden down some beautiful biking tails and visited downtown to see a little more of the new city. There are some really nice locally owned restaurants and cafes that I go to as often as I can. I look forward to skydiving and golfing this weekend and also getting my car back!

1 comment:

  1. Mark,

    Fantastic post! I read your interview tips and love the G.R.E.A.T. device. I just might use this for future classes of AGED 310 (Professional Development). Sounds like you are doing a great job for Thanks for sharing this with the group. And I hope your bike rides stay both inspiring and dry! Excellent story! We can just picture you swooping to retrieve your phone. Skydiving? Take care!

    Dr. K
