Monday, July 22, 2013

Kids Writing letters to Farmers while waiting for
Conference Judging.
This summer has been one wild adventure after another and it is obvious when you look at the different activities that have gone on during my experience with the Sangamon-Menard-Logan County 4-H Extension Office.

I began most of my experience in the office itself, answering phone calls and organizing along with ordering trophies and creating projects and helping with programs. In other words I have had a lot on my plate ever since I started my internship experience.

My first day arriving at my internship was a very warm welcome from the ladies in the office. In fact besides my boss I'm the only other male in the whole extension office. The first day they held a sort of potluck, where we took time to get to know one another and learn more about each others experiences.

Creating Beanie Babies for the kids to learn
about agriculture and take home.
My first show was at the Sangamon County Fairgrounds located in New Berlin IL. Before the show I was in charge of making sure we had all the trophy's ordered and that we also had all of our judges and superintendents ready to go. This show was the busiest that I had been throughout my whole internship experience. I even set aside my own projects for the kids to do while they waited for their conference judging.

I made signs and worked with my supervisor Sharron and Amy to make sure that everything was ready and set up for the few days to come. It was difficult to stay this organized having things in two places and over 5 projects that needed to be completed at once. But as you might have guessed, I pulled it off.

My two biggest fans who's mom said I should
"Get and A for my internship" ;)

My projects ranged from an Ag trivia game where we competed for prizes to the Thank a Farmer activity. The kids also played board games, drew pictures, created beanie babies, and played a Ag relay race game which involved a lot of opinions and posed some good, interesting questions.

So far my experience at the Sangamon County Extensions Office has been fun and exciting, and although this experience has made me more open to job experiences I still believe that I will pursue the career of a high school agriculture teacher.

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