Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My Journey as an Extenstion Intern for Cook County

I'm sad to say but my internship will be over August 16th. In these last two week I have really been preparing for the presentation that I have to give on August 12th to the educators and the director.  I have started working a Prezi which is similar to power point but much better.  This will be one of the most important and really only presentation that I have given in my college career.  I just cant focus all of my attention on presentation because I still have to finish my internship activity list, which has to be completed by the time my internship is over. Here is a list of activities that I have already completed or I'm almost done with:

  •   Developed a fact sheet about worm composting that included getting started with a worm bin and caring/feeding your worms.

  •  Learn about the marketing problems with extension and come up with different solutions.

  • Created a PowerPoint about Health Rocks program catered to youth groups

  •   Developed a survey for Extension Summer Outreach Program.

  • Revised a job description for SPIN club.

  •  Assist with Master naturalist course.

  • Created at brochure about all of Extensions youth programs

  • Helped my supervisor conduct the bug zoo in a Chicago Public School
  • Met with John P. Daily to discuss Extension’s  future in his office with two co-workers
  • Assisted a co-worker in creating and carrying out a lesson plan for youth
Extracted DNA.

My supervisor and I. I was extracting DNA from a Strawberry.

 I have been having so much fun so far and I'm excited to see how my internship will play into my major!

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