Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Extension Where No Two Days Are Ever the Same

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As an intern for Unit 18 Extension office, you learn quickly that no two days are similar and to be prepared to do pretty much anything that needs to be done. Interning for Unit 18, which serves Christian, Jersey, Macoupin and Montgomery counties has been an unique experience. Over the summer my main jobs were to prepare and run the Montgomery county 4-H shows, plan and teach workshops and finally help with other projects that needed done. While planning 4-H shows you learn to be very patient with technology. Such as one day I was entering results into the 4-H data system and you go to double check your work the next day and some of the results haven't saved. If you have ever worked with 4-H DMS you will understand. I learned this summer to always have back plan because everything doesn't always go as planned. For example, I was teaching a babysitting workshop this summer and one of the speakers had to cancel 20 minutes before she was suppose to teach. So all of the sudden I had 20 kids and an hour and a half before the next speaker. Thank goodness extension has pretty much any supplies you can think of hand. So I just gathered supplies and came up with activities to fill the time. As your reading this you may be thinking that doesn't sound like a very fun summer. But I am sure you all know every internship has both ups and downs. One of the best experiences I had this summer is when an older 4-H member helped a first year 4-H member show his heifer for the first time. The older 4-H member just helped no one asked him to he just did it. My internship has been an experience I will remember for quite sometime. Thank you for reading my blog!

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